Alleviate Dental Anxiety with Oral Conscious Sedation
Oral conscious sedation can address dental anxiety or fear of discomfort by helping patients relax during their procedure. Most patients who undergo this type of sedation have little to no memory of their treatment. Dental phobia is common among both children and adults. Severe anxiety can even prevent patients from attending routine dental exams. If left untreated, minor dental problems can worsen and require even more extensive treatment in the future. At Smile Montreal Dentistry in Montreal, QC, Drs. Charles and Patrick Casey are skillfully trained in sedation dentistry. Our entire team strives to provide a pleasant and comfortable experience for all of our patients.
What is Oral Conscious Sedation?
Oral conscious sedation involves the use of sedative drugs to induce a state of relaxation. Appropriate dosages can be determined by the length of your procedure and your weight. Oftentimes, patients are given a pill to take prior to their appointment. Upon arrival, additional medication may be administered to achieve the desired level of comfort. Although many patients fall asleep while under the effects of oral sedation, they can still respond to the dentist if necessary.
At Smile Montreal Dentistry, our doctors have received special training in sedation dentistry, making it a safe and effective choice for your family.
Am I a Candidate for Oral Conscious Sedation?
Thousands of patients undergo oral conscious sedation. You may be a good candidate if you:
- Experience dental anxiety
- Have extremely sensitive teeth
- Are undergoing a lengthy procedure
- Have an uncontrollable gag reflex
- Suffer from medical conditions that make sitting in a dental chair uncomfortable
Risks and Benefits of Oral Conscious Sedation
The primary risk involved with oral conscious sedation emerges when incorrect dosages are administered. At Smile Montreal Dentistry, our doctors have received special training in sedation dentistry, making it a safe and effective choice for your family. Your heart rate, blood pressure, and oxygen levels will be monitored throughout the duration of your procedure. Additionally, your medical history will be thoroughly reviewed during your initial consultation to ensure there are no contraindications to sedation.
Oral conscious sedation offers numerous advantages. In addition to the ease of administration, patients who undergo this type of sedation are not likely to remember the majority of their procedure, including any necessary injections. Additionally, oral conscious sedation is typically more affordable than IV sedation.
The Preparation Process
Because sedative medications affect your memory and motor skills, it is important to have a friend or family member drive you to and from our office on the day of your procedure. Your driver should be physically able to assist you in getting in and out of the car and helping you to your couch or bed once you arrive home. Typically, patients will be instructed to take their first pill approximately one hour prior to treatment. Because metabolism can significantly vary for each individual, the drugs can take effect in as little as 20 minutes or take as long as two hours.
Schedule a Consultation with Us
At Smile Montreal Dentistry, patients truly are our top priority. We commit ourselves to providing a safe, comfortable, and relaxing atmosphere for you and your family. If you find yourself unable to follow through with dental appointments because of anxiety, oral conscious sedation could be a solution for you. To learn more about your sedation options, call our office at (514) 937-6558 or contact us online.