Smile Montreal

The Dangers of Chronic Dry Mouth

Oct 10, 2013 @ 01:14 PM — by Patrick Casey
Tagged with: Dry Mouth Bad Breath Restorative Dentistry

Everyone has had dry mouth at one time or another, and usually it’s nothing that a little hydration can’t fix. But chronic and severe dry mouth, a condition also known as xerostomia or hyposalivation, can have long lasting effects. At our Montreal cosmetic dentistry office, Dr. Patrick Casey uses the latest techniques to determine the cause of dry mouth and develop a course of treatment. But to understand why timely treatment of dry mouth is so important, one must understand the serious consequences of dry mouth when left untreated.

The Dangers of Dry Mouth

Unchecked dry mouth can lead to many problems:

Managing Dry Mouth

Chronic mouth dryness can be annoying, frustrating, and even painful. But with the help of your dentist, it is a condition that can be managed. To counteract the damaging effects of dry mouth, you may brush your teeth and rinse with a non-drying, non-alcoholic, fluoride mouthwash after each meal. Your dentist may also recommend that you avoid foods and drink with drying and diuretic properties like alcohol or caffeine, and drink more water to stay hydrated. In extreme cases, medication can ease the symptoms of dry mouth.

Contact Your Cosmetic Dentistry Specialist Today

You don’t have to keep living with dry mouth. Contact our Montreal cosmetic dentistry practice to schedule a consultation and learn more about combating dry mouth through modern dentistry techniques.