Smile Montreal

Treating Tooth Sensitivity Caused by Exposed Tooth Roots

May 2, 2017 @ 09:00 AM — by Patrick Casey
Tagged with: General Dentistry Restorative Dentistry

People often take the health of the teeth and gums for granted. When your in good oral health, the teeth function free of pain. However, as soon as a problem arises and tooth sensitivity or pain develops, most people realize how lucky they have been to enjoy a healthy smile. Tooth sensitivity can make eating, chewing, and talking a pain - literally! One common cause of tooth sensitivity is exposed roots.

The roots are one of the most delicate parts of the teeth, and if they become exposed to force or extreme temperatures, it is likely to cause significant discomfort. Restorative dentistry treatments rebuild damaged teeth and address periodontal problems to improve oral health and restore oral comfort. Dr. Patrick Casey is happy to offer treatment options for tooth sensitivity and exposed roots at his Montreal, QC dental practice.

Causes of Exposed Roots

It is hard not to be impressed when you consider the design of the teeth and gums. Each tooth has a cluster of sensitive nerves and tissues that connect to the tooth’s roots. Without the hard outer layers of enamel and dentin protecting these sensitive tissues, patients would be unable to bite, chew, and perform other important oral functions without causing a lot of pain.

The roots of the teeth are further protected by gum tissue. When gum tissue is healthy, people are able to eat, bite down, and speak without ever feeling any pain. Unfortunately, there are many oral health problems that can develop and compromise this delicate design. Many dental complications lead to exposed tooth roots and, therefore, increased tooth sensitivity. Below are some oral health complications that can cause exposed roots:

Treating Exposed Roots

The best way to treat tooth sensitivity caused by exposed roots is to restore a protective barrier around these delicate tissues. Dr. Casey offers restorative dentistry treatments that can rebuild damaged teeth and address gum recession. Below are some treatments that are especially effective in treating exposed roots and eliminating tooth sensitivity:

Contact Us

Exposed roots increase tooth sensitivity and leave the teeth vulnerable to infection and other dental complications. If you are suffering from tooth sensitivity from exposed tooth roots and would like to learn how we can treat this condition to restore oral comfort, contact us at your earliest convenience.