Smile Montreal

Dental Care and Heart Health

Mar 3, 2015 @ 04:08 PM — by Patrick Casey
Tagged with: Restorative Dentistry

Not only is proper dental care vital to maintaining good oral health, it also plays a significant role in heart health. Don't let your oral health go unchecked. Restorative dentistry treatments can help improve oral health and prevent further damage. Read this overview from Montreal dentists Charles and Patrick Casey to learn more about the link between dental care and heart health.

Dental Care and Heart Health

Most people understand the importance of dental care and oral health, but are unaware of the link between oral health and heart health. Gum disease, a bacterial infection of the gums, poses significant risk to both oral and heart health. This is because infections within the mouth can spread through the bloodstream and affect heart health. Proper dental care, including regular brushing, flossing, dental check-ups, and professional cleanings, is of utmost importance to maintaining a healthy smile, as well as preventing heart-related issues. Recent research has suggested the following heart health issues to be linked to poor oral hygiene and improper dental care:

Practice Proper Dental Care for Oral and Heart Health

Keeping your heart healthy requires more than a healthy diet and regular exercise. Dental care is also a key element to a healthy heart. Practice these dental care tips to keep your mouth healthy and reduce your risk of developing related heart problems:

Schedule a Consultation

It's never too late to get your oral health back on track. Schedule a consultation with one of our dentists today!