Smile Montreal

Dental Care for Diabetic Patients: Meeting Unique Healthcare Needs

Oct 29, 2015 @ 11:17 AM — by Patrick Casey
Tagged with: General Dentistry Gum Disease Tooth Decay Dry Mouth

Patients of Dr. Charles Casey and Dr. Patrick Casey know that they are in good hands. They offer some of the finest general and restorative dentistry in the Montreal area. This is thanks in large part to their prevention-and-education-centered approach to dental care.

This focus on preventative wellness is key when it comes to patients who are diabetic. Let's consider some of the dental health challenges that diabetics face.

Diabetes Affects Dental Health as Well as General Wellness

Diabetes is a serious health issues that affect general wellness. Since it's often linked to obesity and morbid obesity, diabetics often face an increased risk of heart disease, stroke, and joint problems. What many people do not realize is that diabetes can also have a negative impact on dental health and wellness. Below are some of the dental health risks that patients with diabetes face.

Increased Risk of Gum Disease

Diabetics often face an increased risk of infection, which in turn translates into an increased risk of gum disease. There are three stages of gum disease: gingivitis, periodontitis, and advanced periodontitis. Allowed to progress and go untreated, gum disease can lead to loose teeth, serious irritation and discomfort of the gums, gum recession, tooth loss, and the spread of an infection to other parts of the mouth.

Tooth Decay May Be Accelerated

Due to issues with blood sugar, diabetics also run an increased risk of tooth decay. The rate of decay may be accelerated, meaning that minor cavities may quickly progress into serious cases of damage. Fillings and more advanced dental restorations may be necessary to improve dental health.

Issues with Frequent Dry Mouth

Dry mouth is another problem commonly associated with diabetes. While this may seem like a minor inconvenience that affects eating and speaking, dry mouth has a number of other effects on dental health. For one, dry mouth make bad breath worst. In addition, dry mouth can speed up tooth decay and gum disease.

Potential Problems with Thrush

In addition to gum disease caused by oral bacteria, diabetics also face the possibility of an oral yeast infection known as thrush. This can lead to an unsightly and uncomfortable rash in or around the mouth.

Regular Dental Visits Help Manage These Various Issues

If you are a diabetic, its important to be mindful of your blood sugar and to visit your doctor and dentist for regular checkups. This routine monitoring and cleaning can make a major difference when it comes to having a healthy smile.

Tips for Preventative Care and Good Oral Hygiene

When it comes to preventing and managing the various health problems related to diabetes, consider the following tips:

Learn More About the Dental Care Needs of Diabetics

For more information about your many different options for advanced dental care, be sure to contact our cosmetic and restorative dentistry centre today. Dr. Charles Casey and Dr. Patrick Casey will work closely with you to ensure that your smile is healthy and beautiful.