Smile Montreal

Porcelain Veneers vs. Braces

Aug 9, 2021 @ 12:55 PM — by Patrick Casey
Tagged with: Veneers Montreal Smile Montreal

Both porcelain veneers and braces can straighten teeth, close wide spaces between teeth, and correct overlapping teeth. Each of these treatments have unique benefits, as well. Porcelain veneers can also correct other cosmetic flaws, such as stains, chips, and size differences. In addition to cosmetic improvements, braces align the bite for improved occlusion and function.

At Smile Montreal in Montreal, QC, our dentists have expertise in a variety of cosmetic and restorative dental treatments. Let’s explore the differences between veneers and braces in more depth.

Treatment Timelines for Veneers and Braces

Porcelain veneers improve a smile’s appearance in a matter of weeks. Only two appointments are required, and you’ll have a more attractive smile. Once in place, the veneers will last for 10 years or longer with proper aftercare.

Braces and clear aligners take 18 to 24 months to yield final results. After braces, you’ll need to wear a retainer as instructed by your dentist, for the rest of your life.

What to Expect During Treatment

If you opt for porcelain veneers, at the first clinical visit, the dentist will prepare your teeth for veneers, take impressions, and secure temporary veneers for you to wear while your final restorations are created. At your second visit, the dentist will remove the temporary veneers and place the finished custom veneers.

For braces, the dentist will take impressions and x-rays, evaluate your oral health, and create a treatment plan. If you choose traditional braces, they’ll be affixed to your teeth and connected with a wire. Tooth movement is prompted by adjusting the wire to create specific pressures on specific teeth. If you go with clear braces, you’ll receive a set of clear aligners and instructions on their wear, use, and replacement.

Any orthodontic treatment requires periodic visits with an orthodontist every four to six weeks for adjustments and/or progress checks.

Daily Life with Veneers and Braces

To care for veneers, you’ll need to brush and floss daily, and also visit your dentist twice a year for checkups and cleanings. In short, practice a good oral healthcare routine.

Precautions for veneers align with the same precautions you take to protect your natural tooth enamel:

Life with braces is more complicated. Taking good care of your oral health while wearing braces involves thorough at-home care. You may need to use an interdental brush and floss threaders to clean all sides and surfaces of each bracket, wire, and tooth. Dietary restrictions are also necessary to keep braces from harm.

Orthodontic patients visit the dentist for regular tightenings. Adjusting wires allows treatment to progress as planned.

Life with clear braces is simpler. Brush twice and floss once daily. Rinse aligners with soap and water. Otherwise, wear the aligners at least 22 hours a day, and attend scheduled appointments to check treatment progress.

Which Is Better: Veneers or Braces?

Veneers and braces are both solid options for treating dental issues, though one may be more suited to your needs. During the consultation process at our Montreal practice, we can go over which option may be more ideal for you.

Learn More About Your Options

Which treatment is better for your smile? For answers to all of dental care questions, call Smile Montreal at (514) 937-6558 or message us online. Drs. Charles or Patrick Casey will evaluate your oral health, talk with you about your dental concerns, and provide you with a custom treatment plan at your first appointment.