Smile Montreal

What Is Sedation Dentistry?

Dec 9, 2021 @ 01:00 AM — by Patrick Casey
Tagged with: Sedation Dentistry

Professional dental care is vital to maintaining a healthy and beautiful smile. Unfortunately, many people hesitate to schedule routine dental exams and cleanings or undergo necessary restorative dentistry treatment because they suffer from dental anxiety. 

At Smile Montreal, Dr. Patrick Casey offers sedation dentistry to make dental treatment more comfortable for his Montreal, QC, patients who are afraid of the dentist. You may be wondering, “what is sedation dentistry?” Sedation dentistry uses various sedation techniques to ease dental anxiety and allow patients to feel relaxed and pain-free throughout their dental care.

Sedation Dentistry Techniques

Dr. Casey offers multiple sedation dentistry techniques, so that patients can find a suitable solution for dental anxiety, whether they are undergoing a routine dental cleaning, or require more invasive restorative dentistry treatment. The two sedation techniques available at our dental practice are oral conscious sedation and IV sedation.

Is Sedation Dentistry Right For Me?

Anyone who feels heightened anxiety when it is time to go to the dentist, or anyone who has avoided recommended dental treatment because of dental fear, is likely an ideal candidate for sedation dentistry. Additionally, sedation dentistry may be appropriate in the following situations:

Benefits of Sedation Dentistry

Sedation dentistry offers a number of benefits to those who are candidates. Sedation dentistry puts patients into a relaxed state so that they are able to undergo dental treatment without feeling any pain or anxiety. With patients in this relaxed state, Dr. Casey can get dental treatments done faster and more efficiently. When complex dental care is needed, sedation dentistry allows us to combine multiple procedures at once so that patients do not have to schedule several different appointments. Perhaps most importantly, sedation dentistry promotes good oral health by helping people combat their dental anxiety and get back to the dentist.

Contact Us

If you suffer from dental anxiety and would like to find out how sedation dentistry can help, Dr. Patrick Casey would be happy to tell you more about our sedation techniques. To schedule a consultation with Dr. Casey, contact our practice online, or call (514) 937-6558.